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Ack - Interface in io.socket.client
ACK - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `ack`.
AckWithTimeout - Class in io.socket.client
AckWithTimeout(long) - Constructor for class io.socket.client.AckWithTimeout
add(String) - Method in class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Decoder
add(byte[]) - Method in class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Decoder
add(String) - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Decoder
add(byte[]) - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Decoder
attachments - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Packet
auth - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options


Backoff - Class in io.socket.backo
Imported from
Backoff() - Constructor for class io.socket.backo.Backoff
Binary - Class in io.socket.parser
Binary() - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.Binary
Binary.DeconstructedPacket - Class in io.socket.parser
BINARY_ACK - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `binary ack`.
BINARY_EVENT - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `binary event`.
buffers - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Binary.DeconstructedPacket
build() - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
Finally retrieve IO.Options object from this builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO.Options
Retrieve new builder class that helps creating socket option as builder pattern.
builder() - Static method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
Construct new builder with default preferences.
builder(IO.Options) - Static method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
Construct this builder from specified option object.


call(Object...) - Method in interface io.socket.client.Ack
call(Object...) - Method in class io.socket.client.AckWithTimeout
call(Exception) - Method in interface io.socket.client.Manager.OpenCallback
call(Packet) - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Decoder.Callback
call(Object[]) - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Encoder.Callback
cancelTimer() - Method in class io.socket.client.AckWithTimeout
close() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Disconnects the socket.
connect() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Connects the socket.
CONNECT - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `connect`.
CONNECT_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `error`.
connected() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket


data - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Packet
decoder - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
Decoder() - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Decoder
DecodingException - Exception in io.socket.parser
DecodingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.socket.parser.DecodingException
DeconstructedPacket() - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.Binary.DeconstructedPacket
deconstructPacket(Packet) - Static method in class io.socket.parser.Binary
destroy() - Method in interface io.socket.client.On.Handle
destroy() - Method in class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Decoder
destroy() - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Decoder
disconnect() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Disconnects the socket.
DISCONNECT - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `disconnect`.
duration() - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff


emit(String, Object...) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Emits an event.
emit(String, Object[], Ack) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Emits an event with an acknowledge.
encode(Packet, Parser.Encoder.Callback) - Method in class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Encoder
encode(Packet, Parser.Encoder.Callback) - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Encoder
encoder - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
Encoder() - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Encoder
EVENT - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet type `event`.
EVENT_CLOSE - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
Called on a disconnection.
EVENT_CONNECT - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Socket
Called on a connection.
EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Socket
Called on a connection error.
EVENT_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Socket
Called on a disconnection.
EVENT_ERROR - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
EVENT_OPEN - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
Called on a successful connection.
EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
EVENT_RECONNECT - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
Called on a successful reconnection.
EVENT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
EVENT_RECONNECT_ERROR - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
Called on a reconnection attempt error.
EVENT_RECONNECT_FAILED - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
EVENT_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Manager
Called when a new transport is created.


forceNew - Variable in class io.socket.client.IO.Options


getAttempts() - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff


HasBinary - Class in io.socket.hasbinary
hasBinary(Object) - Static method in class io.socket.hasbinary.HasBinary


id() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
A property on the socket instance that is equal to the underlying socket id.
id - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Packet
IO - Class in io.socket.client
io() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
IO.Options - Class in io.socket.client
io.socket.backo - package io.socket.backo
io.socket.client - package io.socket.client
io.socket.hasbinary - package io.socket.hasbinary
io.socket.parser - package io.socket.parser
IOParser - Class in io.socket.parser
IOParser.Decoder - Class in io.socket.parser
IOParser.Encoder - Class in io.socket.parser
isActive() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
isReconnecting() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager


Manager - Class in io.socket.client
Manager class represents a connection to a given Socket.IO server.
Manager() - Constructor for class io.socket.client.Manager
Manager(URI) - Constructor for class io.socket.client.Manager
Manager(Manager.Options) - Constructor for class io.socket.client.Manager
Manager(URI, Manager.Options) - Constructor for class io.socket.client.Manager
Manager.OpenCallback - Interface in io.socket.client
Manager.Options - Class in io.socket.client
multiplex - Variable in class io.socket.client.IO.Options
Whether to enable multiplexing.


nsp - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Packet


offAnyIncoming() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
offAnyIncoming(Emitter.Listener) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
offAnyOutgoing() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
offAnyOutgoing(Emitter.Listener) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
On - Class in io.socket.client
on(Emitter, String, Emitter.Listener) - Static method in class io.socket.client.On
On.Handle - Interface in io.socket.client
onAnyIncoming(Emitter.Listener) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
onAnyOutgoing(Emitter.Listener) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
onDecoded(Parser.Decoder.Callback) - Method in class io.socket.parser.IOParser.Decoder
onDecoded(Parser.Decoder.Callback) - Method in interface io.socket.parser.Parser.Decoder
onSuccess(Object...) - Method in class io.socket.client.AckWithTimeout
onTimeout() - Method in class io.socket.client.AckWithTimeout
open() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
open(Manager.OpenCallback) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
Connects the client.
open() - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Connects the socket.
Options() - Constructor for class io.socket.client.IO.Options
Options() - Constructor for class io.socket.client.Manager.Options


packet - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Binary.DeconstructedPacket
Packet<T> - Class in io.socket.parser
Packet() - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.Packet
Packet(int) - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.Packet
Packet(int, T) - Constructor for class io.socket.parser.Packet
parse(URI) - Static method in class io.socket.client.Url
Parser - Interface in io.socket.parser
Parser.Decoder - Interface in io.socket.parser
Parser.Decoder.Callback - Interface in io.socket.parser
Parser.Encoder - Interface in io.socket.parser
Parser.Encoder.Callback - Interface in io.socket.parser
protocol - Static variable in class io.socket.client.IO
Protocol version.
protocol - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser


randomizationFactor - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
randomizationFactor() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
randomizationFactor(double) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnection - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
reconnection() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnection(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnectionAttempts - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
reconnectionAttempts() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnectionAttempts(int) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnectionDelay - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
reconnectionDelay() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnectionDelay(long) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnectionDelayMax - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
reconnectionDelayMax() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconnectionDelayMax(long) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
reconstructPacket(Packet, byte[][]) - Static method in class io.socket.parser.Binary
RESERVED_EVENTS - Static variable in class io.socket.client.Socket
reset() - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff


schedule(TimerTask) - Method in class io.socket.client.AckWithTimeout
send(Object...) - Method in class io.socket.client.Socket
Send messages.
setAuth(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setDefaultOkHttpCallFactory(Call.Factory) - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO
setDefaultOkHttpWebSocketFactory(WebSocket.Factory) - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO
setExtraHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setFactor(int) - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff
setForceNew(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setHost(String) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setHostname(String) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setJitter(double) - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff
setMax(long) - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff
setMin(long) - Method in class io.socket.backo.Backoff
setMultiplex(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setPath(String) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setPolicyPort(int) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setPort(int) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setQuery(String) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setRandomizationFactor(double) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setReconnection(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setReconnectionAttempts(int) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setReconnectionDelay(long) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setReconnectionDelayMax(long) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setRememberUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setSecure(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setTimeout(long) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setTransports(String[]) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
setUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
socket(String) - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO
socket(String, IO.Options) - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO
socket(URI) - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO
socket(URI, IO.Options) - Static method in class io.socket.client.IO
Initializes a Socket from an existing Manager for multiplexing.
socket(String, Manager.Options) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
Initializes Socket instances for each namespaces.
socket(String) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
Socket - Class in io.socket.client
The socket class for Socket.IO Client.
Socket(Manager, String, Manager.Options) - Constructor for class io.socket.client.Socket
SocketIOException - Exception in io.socket.client
SocketIOException() - Constructor for exception io.socket.client.SocketIOException
SocketIOException(String) - Constructor for exception io.socket.client.SocketIOException
SocketIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.socket.client.SocketIOException
SocketIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.socket.client.SocketIOException
SocketOptionBuilder - Class in io.socket.client
Convenient builder class that helps creating Client Option object as builder pattern.
SocketOptionBuilder() - Constructor for class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
Construct new builder with default preferences.
SocketOptionBuilder(IO.Options) - Constructor for class io.socket.client.SocketOptionBuilder
Construct this builder from specified option object.


timeout - Variable in class io.socket.client.Manager.Options
Connection timeout (ms).
timeout() - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
timeout(long) - Method in class io.socket.client.Manager
type - Variable in class io.socket.parser.Packet
types - Static variable in interface io.socket.parser.Parser
Packet types.


Url - Class in io.socket.client
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